
Property Through Super: An Introduction

A Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) can be used to purchase investment property, however, most of us will require much expert advice and professional help to truly take advantage of this highly-regulated tax structure.

The video below, produced by the Australian Tax Office, is an excellent introduction to the various obligations that come with an SMSF, and they are significant. However, as daunting as they initially appear, if you have the minimum requirement of $200k available in super you can hire the required professional help you setup and manage your SMSF and to secure a bank loan. This makes SMSF an excellent way to build wealth for your retirement through the Australian property markets.

We’ve also prepared a document to help introduce you to the process of setting up an SMSF and the structure involved in buying property through your SMSF. To view this document simply click the button below. Further, if are interested in knowing more about this topic then don’t hesitate to call our offices on 1300 883 920.

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