A Service No Investor Should Do Without
- by Tim Nimmo
It’s a bold call indeed, but we believe that a good property manager is a vital asset for your long-term investing success (and peace of mind), and we’ve partnered with some of the best…
There are many reasons why a good property manager is essential for a successful property investing journey, starting with the experience they bring to the process of screening applications. A seasoned property manager not only has hundreds of hours of experience looking over applications but has access to important tenancy databases such as the TICA to ensure the highest quality tenants. Further, a property manager keeps themselves up-to-date with what is often very strict legislation to ensure all legal obligations are met in all interactions with the tenant. Also, being located close to your property physical inspections are usually only a short trip away, which potentially saves you flights into another state to make physical inspections.
So not only will a property manager save you from having to learn many pages of ever-changing legislation, from trawling through dozens of tenancy applications to find the best tenants but also from potentially costly trips to inspect your property. A property manager will also act as a buffer between you and the client and even keep you accountable to your legal obligations towards your tenants, which all adds up to a huge burden removed form your shoulders. The stress savings alone make them invaluable and money well spent.
So now that we’ve said all that, it seems like an appropriate place to mention that i4property offers property management services across the entire east coast of Australia, from Queensland to Victoria. So, as always, if are interested in making your investing journey as smooth as possible then don’t hesitate to call our offices on 1300 883 920 or email tim@i4property.com.au.