Returns beyond capital growth…
- by Tim Nimmo
This month we’ll take another look at an income stream every property investor should maximise…
Most property investors will tell you that maximum capital growth is achieved simply by holding on to your investment property as long as possible, and it’s generally agreed that you should start out on a property investing journey with at least 10 years in mind. But should you wait 10 years to see a return on your investment? Definitely not. There’s one return on your investment that you need to leverage even while you’re waiting for long-term equity growth, this return continues delivering even in the event of a down-cycle in the property market, and it’s simply rental return.
Under today’s market conditions it’s possible with the right property to pocket $100 p/w from rental return alone, potentially more if you setup your investment with both a rental return and capital growth focus. To run some basic figures as an example $100 p/w over a year becomes $5,200, and over ten years becomes $52,000, which means it is quite possible to accumulate $52k gross while waiting for your capital growth to accumulate.
Simply put, to ignore rental return is to under-capitalising your investment property. There are various strategies that ensure rental return is maximised, and for just one example of what we have done for our clients see this case study. These strategies range from the type of property you buy, to various factors that make the property lucrative to renters. We’re available at anytime to discuss lucrative options for your next investment property, just call us on 1300 883 920.
Kind regards,
Tim, Talal and the team.